4 Things to Consider When Building a New Website

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I have had many meetings with prospective clients over the last few weeks and our discussions have been centered around the building of a new website and about the specific factors that will help their website get found in local searches.

As we get to the part of the meeting where we discuss price, I often see the client become hesitant and they do the big throat gulp.

They begin to make calculations to whether or not they can afford our services. On occasion, it does happen that due to budgetary concerns, we cannot help them. Some of these people have received quotes of website builds ranging from a few hundred dollars all the way up to the $10,000-$15,000 range. They have been given quotes for $30-$50 per month for a website and hosting services and they feel confident in that decision.

The fact is, when a client is making decisions about building a new website or investing in their online presence, there are a few things to keep in mind to help you make the correct decision.

Things to consider when building a new website

Pass Left Or Right Sign1. Do I own or am I leasing my website?

I am not trying to be condescending and I also do not believe that you as the reader do not know the simple difference between leasing and owning. I am just telling you that there are many web designers and developers out there that use cheaper pricing tactics to help lure you in to use their services. What they fail to mention to you is the difficulty you will have when choosing to leave, when considering your exit strategy.

A prime example I recently had, was a business in the trades who had signed up for a digital marketing services package which included a website build and hosting services and even some local SEO services too. Unhappy with that company, they reached out to us and wanted to move over to our platform and utilize our services.

When they started doing more research and we explained to them all these annoying details, they realized that they would risk having a downed website for the time we would be working on it. The reason for this was just the reason we were discussing above. Their contract and agreement had the site bundled with the services and did not allow them to take their site elsewhere, left stuck in a position no company wants to be in.

2. Communication is key

Communication - Speech BubbleI have learned both as a business owner and a consumer that I really care about the communication.

It is not uncommon for there to be delays in projects. Especially when it comes to building a website.

However, the company that sets themselves apart from the others, are the ones that proactively reach out to their customers to give them updates and timelines. A customer is more likely to be forgiving if they were made aware that there will be a delay in the project, as long as they do not find out about it the day of or in the hour they were expecting it.

In addition, good communication also helps a customer feel comfortable enough to convey their vision properly and get the website build they really are looking for.


Wad of US 100 Dollar Bills Folded3. It’s a one-time payment – Don’t fret

A website build is not supposed to be something you continue to pay for the rest of your life. The build is a one-time fee and should be paid off easily. I am not saying the job should or will be cheap, but the client should look at it as the down payment on their business. This does not mean to exclude the opportunity to finance it, just there should be an end to the financing of the build.

You do need to keep your site maintained and updated, but those are tiny monthly costs. That is like getting an oil change for a car. It’s the necessary thing to do, to get the most life out of your car. So too, your website needs to be updated to keep it running smooth and operating nicely.

4. Beware of low prices – You get what you pay for

Price DropIt is funny as I am writing this knowing I am, ‘the pot that calls the kettle black’, but sometimes the best advice is from the ones who experienced it.

About 6 years ago I moved with the family from New Jersey to Ohio.

We were searching for some moving companies and quoting out the jobs. We had a friend in the business who did more local moves than long distance so we did not really consult with him.

We did, however, find a catchy advertisement which seemed like a great deal, almost a  thousand dollars less than the other companies we had quote us. To my regret, the company took our downpayment and basically left us between a rock and a hard place on the day of the move. The owner/project manager was nowhere to be seen. He sent 2 workers to start getting things going. I can continue the drama and the headache but I will spare the rest of the details.

The point is, we got what we paid for. We no longer shop strictly price-based rather we go value first and then price.

Transparency distinguishes us from the competition

Transparent King Chess PieceAt LocalBizGuru, we use transparency in our approach and quote out projects accordingly to make a prospect feel comfortable in their buying decisions.

We sit down with every prospective client to educate them on what they need to know and do. For us, the objective is not to make a sale, but to help them make a purchase. While on the surface, it may seem as if we’re shooting ourselves in the foot, we’re not. We are empowering the customer and building trust.

We explain to them what they should know when getting involved in a new website build and what to consider if they should ever feel the need to leave.

This transparency and integrity are what makes LocalBizGuru an amazing company to work with.

We hope we can help you achieve your digital marketing goals in an open and honest way.

Give us a call and let’s get started today!

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