Google Reviews: 5 Great Reasons Why You Should Respond to Them All

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(Both Positive and Negative)

92% of customers read online reviews.

Online reviews are more important than ever for a brand’s reputation. It is important to read reviews, but most businesses fail to respond to them. This is a serious mistake.

Read on to learn why you should respond to Google reviews, both positive and negative.

Show You Care

Customers want you to hear them. Responding to a review lets them know you’re doing that. Their feedback matters and they’re leaving it because they care. Even negative feedback is there to help!

When you respond to these reviews, you’re making your customers feel valued and heard. Values customers will become returning customers. Showing your business is open to listening can only make you stronger.

Encourage Positivity

A case study by Modern Comment found, that while over 90% of people rely on online reviews to make a purchasing decision, only 6% bother to take the time to leave one themselves.

By responding to a positive review, you’re reinforcing their decision to provide feedback.

It takes time out of their day to leave a review. Acknowledge that effort!

Getting a response will go a long way in a customers mind and encourage them to leave more feedback in the future.

Sending a direct message is the fastest and most effective way to respond. Potential customers will see your responses too and view you as a caring business.

Convert Customers

The only way to deal with a negative review is head-on, so always respond to bad reviews.

Studies show that if a problem is fixed quickly, 95% of unhappy customers will become repeat customers. This is the kind of retention opportunity that you can’t afford to miss. Burying your head in the sand won’t help, but being proactive will.

If you can deal with customers issues, many customers will delete their review. Some may even update their review, turning a negative into a positive.

Prospects Read Reviews

Google reviews have a larger reach than most of your marketing.

Your online reviews will be the first thing that many potential customers see when looking at your business. With this reach, it is important that you treat reviews as part of your marketing and sales process.

Responding to reviews allows you to curate your online presence. Make sure you pay attention and engage with reviews as soon as possible. This will help you to head off any potential PR disasters and encourage more good reviews.

Furthermore, how you respond speaks volumes about you as a business. Responding to reviews is an opportunity to win people over as potential customers.

Improve your SEO

Responding to reviews isn’t only about your customers. It also helps build your reputation with Google.

Google tracks metrics for every business in the search engine. It uses this to rank their credibility and to place them in search results. One of these metrics is engagement. This demonstrates how well the page is managed.

Google encourage businesses to respond to Google reviews. This shows Google that you not only view your listing but read your reviews. It also shows that you are willing to actively engage with customers, whether they are happy or not.

Responding to Google Reviews

Responding to your Google reviews is important. Respond to negative reviews to deal with problems and manage your online reputation. Responding to positive reviews encourages more happy customers to speak out.

Looking for other ways to improve your online ranking? Contact us at LocalBizGuru today to get your business found online.

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