the guru's blog

A Blog Dedicated to Inform & Educate The Local Business Owner

Video Promotion Ideas - business owner shooting a promotional video in a cafe

Top 6 Video Promotion Ideas to Drive Your New Business

October 31, 2023

Videos are one of the most effective ways to communicate with your audience. Here are some video promotion ideas to get you more traffic and revenue!

Connect with Your Customers Using Video

5 Effective Ways to Connect with Your Customers Using Video

June 14, 2023

Video content helps create more personal and meaningful interactions, which not only strengthen your brand but also ultimately lead to customer satisfaction and loyalty. From live-streaming to testimonial videos, the possibilities for using video to connect with your audience are practically endless.

video marketing

Video Marketing – Supercharge Your Small Business Today!

November 25, 2019

If you’ve got a small business—let’s say a startup or one that’s taking its first cautious steps—it’s normal to worry about your odds of success.  After all, most new businesses don’t make it out of the starting gates—in fact (according to Medium), about 90% fail. That applies to all kinds of businesses—from small ones to large…

youtube strategy

5 Things You Shouldn’t Do When Creating Your YouTube Strategy

August 16, 2018

Let’s take a moment to talk about your YouTube strategy. We’ve all heard about it–and most of us have probably wasted away at least one afternoon watching silly videos. Youtube generates one billion unique visitors each month. In fact, YouTube is the second most used search engine after Google! If you learn to use it…

YouTube Marketing Strategy

How to Create a YouTube Marketing Strategy For Your Business

August 13, 2018

If your business isn’t creating content on YouTube, you’re missing out on a huge marketing opportunity. In fact, there are already more than one billion active users on YouTube each month. That’s a lot of potential exposure! But you can’t just throw something up and expect success. You need to create a comprehensive YouTube marketing…

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