How To Create The Best Backlinks For SEO

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Do you have the best backlinks for SEO success? How much attention have you given to your backlink profile?

If not much, then join the many other entrepreneurs out there who are more worried about their business operations than their online marketing.

Needless to say, your digital branding plays an important role in how successful your business will be or continue to be in this day and age. Let’s not forget that 81% of consumers begin their shopping experience with online research.

Among other SEO components, this means you need to have the best backlinks for SEO to help more people find you. Because not only do you want to show up in organic search results, but you want to have links on sites that show up in organic search results.

Why are backlinks important?

Search engines like Google, Bing, and others are in the business of pairing the best results for the queries their users are asking.

They, therefore, construct their algorithms in such a way to find the best match and help those websites be found for the particular queries relevant to those searches.

As it stands today, the consensus amongst SEO professionals is that backlinks play a very large part in getting online visibility for your site.

Basically, backlinks are a way for the search engines to gauge your authority and credibility in a given industry by virtue of who you associate with. So if your associations are with other credible entities, it stands to reason that you too are credible and trustworthy.

Therefore, you as a business need to have a strategy and a method of building quality backlinks to your site.

Here are a few tips on how you can begin building the best backlinks for SEO.

Find Broken Links to Replace with Yours

Here’s a quick, easy and effective way to build up your backlink profile. All you have to do is look for websites with broken URLs and contact the webmaster to let them know. And while you’re at it, you can suggest replacements, which will include your own link.

Just go to Google and type in your keyword + links; your keywords + resources; or keywords + inurl: links.

Here are some website broken-link-checker tools to find the broken links on a website on other’s site:

  1. Broken link checker
  2. Dead link checker
  3. W3C Link Checker
  4. Link Tiger

If you’re using Chrome, you can install the Check my Links plugin to find broken links on the websites in the search results.

Make Use of Visuals Like Infographics

Who doesn’t like an infographic that’s well-put-together? Not only will infographics with your logo help build visibility, but it’ll also act as a backlink.

You can publish infographics on social media and others can share them on their blogs. When folks click on the backlink, it’ll take them to your website.

It’s a good idea to look for bloggers and social media influencers who shared similar infographics in the past and reach out to them.

Write Guest Blog Posts

There’s nothing like benefiting from the boundless traffic of popular blogs. Now, while you may not be able to get a piece on a blog with tens of millions of readers, you can definitely find one that has tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of visitors each month.

Find blogs in your niche that you can write content for that’ll intrigue their audience. This is a critical factor because no one is going to want to publish a post that their audience won’t read.

At the end of your guest post, you’ll get an opportunity to link to your website. Google and other search engines rate backlinks based on the quality, authority, and age of the site it’s placed on. Avoid publishing guest posts on sites that are irrelevant to yours because this will only hurt your SEO.

Build a Profile with the Best Backlinks for SEO

How? By working with the pros. You put the “busy” in “business owner”, which is why you need expert help with your search engine optimization.

Getting to the top of Google and other search engines take a strategy with the proper components. This includes keyword research, content writing, and creation, link building, optimizing your website, review generation, and listings optimization.

You can get all of this and more at LocalBizGuru.

Contact us today to see how we can help with your link building and all your other digital marketing efforts.

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