Local SEO Solutions for Your Small Business

A Blog Dedicated to Inform & Educate The Local Business Owner

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Running a small business is no easy feat. You have to hire employees, test and release products, and make sure everything is on track.
Notice something missing? That’s right, marketing your brand. It’s so easy to get caught up in the small details of running your businesses that you forget to advertise!
Most businesses aren’t taking advantage of local SEO solutions as they should. We’re here to tell you that this is a huge mistake.The fact is, in today’s digital world, small companies need local SEO  if they want to make it.
You may have done everything right so far, but perhaps you’re not getting the exposure you need and deserve.
That’s okay; we’re here to help.

Here are some local SEO solutions that you need to implement to get the word out about your small business.

Make Your Contact Info Public

When it comes to SEO solutions, including info may be the most important thing you’re not doing. It’s astonishing how few businesses take advantage of everything available to them.
People love searching for businesses before making a purchasing decision. Your business can be the first result they see — if you play your cards right.

It’s NAP time! No, that doesn’t mean you should stop reading this article, grab a pillow and call it an afternoon. NAP is an acronym.
It stands for: Name, Address, and Phone number. These are the three most significant pieces of information a business needs for local SEO. Make sure your business’ listing information (NAP) is accurate

If you’re not already familiar with Google My Business, I’d recommend signing up ASAP. It’s free, easy to use, and yields tremendous results.
In addition to your NAP, make sure to fill out a brief description (with a URL to your site) of your business and upload a photo. The easier it is for a customer to find you, the likelier you are to win their business.

Encourage Reviews

It’s impossible to overstate how much people love and rely on online reviews. If you’ve ever been to a popular site like Yelp, you know that people dedicate a ton of time to reviewing local businesses.
Believe it or not, review generation is one of the most considerable advantages you have when it comes to online marketing. Most consumers consider a review as trustworthy as a personal recommendation.  Even a few reviews for a local business can start generating more buzz.
Encourage your customers to fill out a review online. Not only will this do wonders for your advertising, but it also helps with SEO.
It sparks a conversation about your business, uses keywords, and done correctly, is a great way to get an excellent reputation quickly.

Follow Your Customers

There’s a pretty good chance that you’re one of the millions of people who use social media every day. And guess what? Your customers do, too!
Bringing people to you isn’t always easy. Remedy this problem by going where your audience is: social media.

Any SEO expert will tell you that social media is a great way to interact with customers. While social media may not play a huge factor in your ranking ability, there is no better way to learn what your target audience like, dislike, and want to see from your business.
On that note, it’s okay to respond — even to negative reviews. In fact, it’s encouraged. That doesn’t mean you should antagonize customers. But your social media is part of your reputation and should be protected.

Get SEO Solutions For Any Business

These practical SEO solutions probably sound great, but they can be tricky to implement.
If you’re struggling to get your business the attention it deserves, don’t be afraid to reach out!  I’d love to talk and strategize with you about how to improve your business’s SEO!

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