Local SEO Solutions: Become the Master of Local SEO

A Blog Dedicated to Inform & Educate The Local Business Owner

If you are a business that is dependant on local area traffic, then like it or not, you need Local SEO solutions to get found online.

Local SEO solutions are designed to increase your digital traffic and to convert it into actual foot traffic.

Did you know that 50% of mobile users who conduct searches online will wind up visiting a store that very same day?

72% of those mobile users expect businesses to be within 5 miles (or less) of their location.

As a small business owner, these statistics should both excite and alarm you. Because, on the one hand, this means you can generate more leads with local SEO.

On the other hand, if you aren’t already implementing local SEO tactics, you’re probably missing out on business. In fact, you’re probably handing business directly into the hands of your competition.

But never fear!

It’s never too late to start putting local SEO strategies into practice. That’s why we’re here to discuss local SEO solutions your small business needs!

Here’s how to become not only a successful small business owner but a local SEO master!

Why Local SEO Matters

Some believe that search engine optimization (SEO) is all the same. But there are actually two demographics to consider within SEO as a whole.

The first is organic SEO. This refers to the kinds of practices that bolster a website’s ranking on search engines.

Organic SEO is unpaid. And its practices are routinely molded by Google’s ever-changing algorithm.

Type in a general keyword. That keyword is organic up until the web user incorporates a geographical component.

Most small businesses cater to a local population. So, it doesn’t matter so much if they appear in organic, unspecific search engine results pages.

But these days, it matters very much if they appear in local specific search engine results pages. Especially considering that mobile use is growing exponentially. Which only means more people are conducting online searches for products and services.

With all that said and done, what are some local SEO solutions you should start to use – right now?

Go Mobile

The rise of mobile use is placing a greater need for websites to be compatible with mobile devices.

Ever wonder how a website you frequent on your laptop looks and functions the same on your phone?

It’s due to something known as responsive web design. This type of design allows any website to respond to any mobile device with experience in mind.

Some websites can even have an entirely separate mobile site. It may look similar to their desktop site. But it’s actually designed differently and functions a little differently as a result.

With the increasing need for mobile websites, it’s pertinent that you go mobile right away.

In fact, Google announced that they will begin indexing mobile versions of your site first and foremost. They’re calling it their Mobile-First Indexing Algorithm.

And while they’ve been talking about it for some time, Google will be rolling it out more and more to more sites this year.

If you haven’t addressed this for your website, the time is now to give us a call.

Create Relevant, Local Content

Keywords are crucial to any SEO campaign. But to master local SEO solutions, your keywords must be relevant to your business.

Keywords include (but aren’t limited to) your products and services your business provides. These keywords should then include your local town, city, or region.

Let’s say you operate a tool shop in Chicago. If this were the case, you could use keywords like “tools in Chicago” or “Chicago tool shop.”

If you’re ever at a loss for keyword ideas, try to see what your clientele are saying online. Take to your Facebook business page and take a look at the types of questions your customers are asking.

It never hurts to look elsewhere online, as well. You can read discussion threads that are relevant to your products and services.

You should also have an understanding of your clientele. This should go as far as knowing which social media platforms. That way, you don’t just create blog articles with the keywords, but actually use them on social media, as well.

Maintain Your Online Reputation

Nowadays, your first impression on customers begins online. Consumers take things like Yelp, Facebook, Yellow Pages, and Google Reviews seriously.

So, it’s important that you maintain accuracy and a good reputation on these platforms. Not only to win over more leads. But because these listings will impact your SEO ranking.

If you haven’t already claimed your Google My Business account, do so. You’ll not only look modern and reliable. By including photographs of your business and accurate information, you’ll seem more trustworthy.

Of course, not every review can be stellar. There’s just no pleasing everybody.

But what you can do is address any negative online reviews. You can do so by addressing the reviews directly. Yet, the best way to do so is to address and correct any and all problems.

For a more comprehensive look at all the dos and don’ts of responding to online reviews, check out this important post on the subject. You can thank me later. 😉

Master Local SEO Solutions for Your Small Business

While these tips are not comprehensive by any means, remember, becoming a local SEO master doesn’t happen overnight.

But by implementing these practices as soon as possible, you’ll be well on your way to turning local leads into returning customers.

For more tips, tactics, and ideas on how to master local SEO, visit our blog today!

Alternatively, give one of our LocalBizGurus a call and schedule your free consultation today!