7 Ways to Promote Good Reviews and Testimonials

A Blog Dedicated to Inform & Educate The Local Business Owner

Did you know that over 84 percent of people trust online reviews? It’s interesting that consumers trust these reviews as much as a referral from a friend, colleague or family member. Are you harnessing the power of good reviews?

Your business’ Google and Yelp reviews aren’t the only important positive feedback. Are you featuring the reviews on your website? Have you encouraged your customers to tell you about their experience?

If the answer is no, you must start promoting your good reviews today. If you aren’t sure what the best ways to display and advertise your reviews are, we’ve got you covered.

Here are some ways to display your customer reviews and testimonial effectively to get the most traction out of them.

1. Feature Your Reviews on Your Homepage

Some business owners are hesitant to display their reviews on their website.

Featuring your reviews on your homepage might be the best approach because many visitors don’t visit other pages.

If you aren’t sure how your customers are rating your business online, you may consider using a review audit tool to learn more.

2. Use Reviews in Your Advertisements

Using your positive reviews in your ads and marketing can be a great way to bring in new clients. It can show them how you can fix their problem. Reviews are great tools for online advertisements.

3. Include them in Your Company Newsletter

You should consider displaying your reviews in your company newsletter. Sometime prospective clients might subscribe to your newsletter.

If you display your positive feedback, they might turn into your customers. Also, it can motivate your current customers to buy or book your services again.

4. About Us Page Featuring Customer Experiences

All about us pages aim to tell the customer what makes a business different and special.

If you tell your story and add positive feedback as proof, you’ll turn those visitors into customers in no time.

Remember that here you should filter your reviews to showcase what makes your business the best solution for your customer.

5. Display them on Your Services and Products Pages

If you sell products and services on your website, you should feature reviews for them on their pages. There are tools that help you filter your positive feedback. These reviews work as incentives for customers to make the purchases or book your services.

6. Company Auto-Responses Featuring Customer Reviews

Another way to display your reviews is on thank you for your response emails or notifications. You could include your feedback with the auto-response after the submission of a form on your website.

7. Customer Spotlight Social Media Posts Featuring Reviews

If you haven’t done customer spotlight posts on your social media, you should start today. These are a great way to make your customer feel appreciated while featuring positive feedback. These can help prospective customers relate to your business.

Why Should You Display Your Good Reviews on Your Business Website?

Displaying your good reviews and testimonials on your website will help generate more leads and grow your business.

You might think that managing your Google Reviews, Facebook and Yelp profile is enough. But, some prospective customers will land straight to your website.

If you don’t feature your reviews on your site, they won’t learn about the great customer experiences.

Don’t forget that online reviews influence 67.7 percent of purchases. Featuring your reviews on your website is essential to take your business to the next level.

Have you developed a customer review generation and management strategy for your small business?

Haven’t had time to promote and add customer reviews to your website? We can help!

Contact us to learn more about our review generation services.