Optimize for Voice Search Technology – 5 Changes to Make Today

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It’s predicted that 50% of all searches will be done using voice search technology by 2020.

Ever since its introduction in 2011 with Apple’s Siri, voice searches have evolved over the years and now there are many voice-activated applications in the market.
Some of these voice-activated apps have human accuracy when delivering feedback to their users.

With this fast growth in the market, businesses should start optimizing their apps and sites for voice searches so that they can stay ahead of the game and keep up with the latest search trends.

If your content is not optimized in the right way, you could be missing out on a precious opportunity.

Here’s how to optimize for voice search technology:

1. Optimize Your Structured Data

Unlike normal searches, voice search only displays one answer to searchers from the number one best-optimized result.

To be at the top of searches you need to use structured data like Schema markup that will help create metadata for your websites.

Although it doesn’t help you rank higher, it gives you the advantage of illustrating information about your business for specific queries.

2. Focus on Questions

Many people use questions when searching using search voice applications. This is because they consider the applications as their “assistants” and communicate to them just like a normal person would to their assistant.

Because of this, you’ll want to adapt your voice search SEO to include:

Natural Language SEO

There is a huge difference between the written word and the spoken word. When crafting a voice search optimization strategy, you need to focus on the spoken – natural language – word.

This is because voice search technologies give priority to how the user wants to search when speaking.

For example – Most voice searches are made in the form of a question, using natural conversational language. Create content that asks and answers these types of questions – like Q&A pages for your products or services.

Localized Long-Tail Keywords

When it comes to voice search, especially for local services, long sentences get priority.

Do your research to find out what your visitors enter into a search engine to find your business or site.

You’re particularly looking for ‘long-tail keywords’ which are often complete phrases that searchers use, for example, ‘Air conditioning service in Ohio’.

For accurate keyword research results, hire a digital marketing agency to help you get found easily.

3. Speed Up Your Applications or Websites

The time taken for a voice search to display results about your business might affect how your business ranks.

The faster your website loads the higher it will rank and the more searchers it will get. This is because many people use voice search to urgently look up for information when they are doing something else such as driving or cooking.

4. Make it Mobile Friendly

When it comes to voice search technology, not all voice searches are performed on screenless digital assistance platforms like Alexa, Siri, and Cortana.

Rather most voice searches are carried out using mobile phones, therefore it’s important to optimize your business’ website for mobile voice searches.

5. Test it First

Voice search optimization is still in its developing stages so you will need to ensure that your work is perfectly fine. To do so you will need to:

  • Test it with different devices to see if your results will appear on the majority of them.
  • Check if the results generated relate to the question asked.
  • Check how many results return for the search.
  • Check if you rank higher than your competition when searched for.

By testing the voice search SEO, you’ll be able to know what keywords to use to rank among searchers.

Why Should You Optimize for Voice Search Technology?

Ranking your business at the top will mean a great deal to you, this will mean that you’ll get more user traffic than your competitors.

If your business uses voice search SEO you’ll be at a greater advantage to make it to the top three results when searched for by phone.

Still, it can be the first result that pops up when searched for by a smart speaker. So, just imagine your business coming up as a result of almost 50 percent of searches just because you optimized it for voice search.

Make the right move and let your customers find you easily by hiring a digital marketing company. If you need assistance and have your business around Cleveland, contact us today.

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